Monday, 4 October 2010

Cake Note 15: 'Always be nice to your children because they are the ones who will choose your rest home - Phyllis Diller'

Number One Fan!
October was going to be a quiet month as far a cake orders were going, so I thought, mmm? what shall I do? work, gardening, reading, drive off to the cake warehouse in Newcastle and get all my stuff for November and December orders......maybe not - number 2 child phoned on friday last week...'Muuuummmm - could you do me a really really really (you know where this is going , don't you).....big favour...and make me a fruit cake?' - Me -'what, just a fruit cake?'. (fool)...' Oh no, a birthday cake for Steve, he likes skiing, mountain biking...anything to do with hairdressing...Oh, and he likes Leeds United'.
Me -'when for?'.....WEDNESDAY!!

Off course, I did what she asked (bearing in mind Phyllis Diller's advice), and here you can see the start of it - this little Leeds fan is 'Steve' - wears specs and has ginger hair, so I hope he recognises himself on Wednesday morning when I (!!!) have to deliver his cake to the shop!

So, no housework done, no gardening and the only reading was on the t'internet looking for colour schemes for the cake! here it is, I hope he likes it - my daughter is thrilled with it - mainly because she helped with the little model!

And so to much for the ealry night I promised myself! back to the 'factory' tomorrow, good night, God Bless :)

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