Saturday, 2 June 2012

Cake Note 60: ""Love is not blind – It sees more and not less, but because it sees more it is willing to see less."

Hey, my 60th Cake Note.....and this weekend is the Queen's Diamond Jubilee - 60 years since she ascended to the throne - Congratulations Ma'am. There are loads of people celebrating this weekend, flags and bunting along the shops, and just across the street from me, they are having a street party!

Anyway, I'm not posting a 60th cake although I am sure Her Majesty would enjoy one of my cakes. This one is a 30th wedding anniversary, a pearl wedding. The idea for the cake isn't mine - I asked a fellow forum member if I could use her design and she kindly agreed. I've wanted to us a 'Latte' coloured paste for ages and thought this was a good time. The photos don't show the colour well, but it was a really lovely shade, mixed using white sugarpaste and chocolate paste, 32 grams to 1.3kg of white.  It's a 10 inch chocolate cake, with a scallop shell and pearls made out of pastillage - the shell was a bit fragile I can tell you and the pearls kept rolling round in the shell - I got there in the end though :)